
Minggu, 07 Desember 2014

Open Source IP PBX Asterisk Distros

As we know, asterisk is Open Source.
Did you know there are several kinds of distributions of Asterisk ?
    1. PBX in a Flash
      • The Lean, Mean Asterisk Machine. A turnkey PBX based upon the latest versions of CentOS and your choice of Asterisk 1.4 or 1.6 with FreePBX, a Linux firewall, and Fail2Ban for enhanced security.
    2. Elastix
      • Elastix is an open source software which packs best-in-class tools for IP telephony into a single, easy-to-use interface. Elastix is the fastest growing software of its kind having support for dozens of languages, extensible modules and advanced features.
    3. AsteriskNOW
      • AsteriskNOW is the fastest way to get started building custom telephony solutions with Asterisk. Simply download the .iso file, burn it to a CD, drop it into the CD or DVD drive on the target computer to build a complete Asterisk telephony solution.
    4. Askozia®PBX
      • Askozia®PBX is an Open Source firmware designed to run on embedded telephony appliances. Developed from the start with consumers in mind, it is the easiest to use Asterisk® distribution in the world.
    5. VoiceOne
      • VoiceOne is an easy to use web based GUI for the Asterisk PBX. It gives full control over settings through a simple admin panel.
    6. The FreePBX
      • The FreePBX project has been around since 2003, with millions of downloads it has become the most widely used management tool for Asterisk which makes building and managing your Asterisk systems easier. Please visit for more information.

      My recommendation is Elastix !!

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